CLS Local Chapters

Costs & Revenues

How This Works

By purchasing a non-profit license from the Certified Listeners Society Headquarters, your local CLS Chapter will benefit from a comprehensive package of support. Our Headquarters team will handle key operations, such as registering URLs, creating and managing chapter websites, as well as recruiting, training, and managing your volunteers, so you can focus on providing mental health support to your community and promoting awareness. 

  • Register your local Chapter URL.
  • Run your corporate email server.
  • Manage and update your CRM and automations.
  • Recruiting and Onboard chapter’s Emotional Support, Coordinators and Supervisor Volunteers.
  • Marketing, graphic design, copywriters, and social media management.
  • Web design. Website, database, and emotional support chatroom management.
  • Servers and Security management.
  • Get and manage your $10,000 in Google Grants ads.
  • Provide Customer Services, Supervisor Manager, Coordinator Manager, Training Manager, University Clubs Management.
  • Provide online training modules for Emotional support, Supervisors, Coordinators,  Practical Training. Placement Training. ERTP Training, Police Vulnerable sector Approval, Screening Approval, and Liability Insurance. 
  • Register and run the local non-profit.
  • Manage your executive Board.
  • Police Service Mapping for vulnerable sector check (based on your local municipality’s requirement).
  • Community Management, volunteer blog, newsletters, promotions to university clubs, high schools. 
  • Volunteer management and placement.
  • Grant applications, fundraising, and financial management and banking management.
  • Non-profit governance and management.
  • Board of director recruitment and training.
  • Insurance.
Revenue for chapters 2

Licensing and Membership

The cost of each CLS local chapter license is $15,000 Canadian dollars, which we offer financing for over one year. Upon signing the agreement, a deferred invoice of $15,000 will be sent, payable within the first year. Additionally, to contribute to the ongoing operational expenses managed by the head office for each chapter, a 5% fee will be levied on any government grants or funds raised by each chapter. The CLS Headquarter team is also available to provide support with government grant applications for a fee, to be determined according to the size of the grant.

Benefits of Forming A Chapter

  • Gaining national brand recognition.
  • Receiving operational framework and startup support from the CLS Headquarters, including ongoing training and development, tech platforms and tools, and marketing materials.
  • Creating countless job and volunteering opportunities for your local community!

How We Provide Emotional Support...

Emotional support is provided by Certified Listeners via live chat services. 

Certified Listeners are trained volunteers who offer guidance, empathy, and resources. 

Certified Listeners provides early-stage interventions and offer emotional support before a crisis emerges.

Ready to make a change?

Limited licenses are available.

Apply now at to form your local Certified Listeners Society Chapter.