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Health benefits of sharing your home with an animal

Many families share their homes with a range of animals from cats and dogs to reptiles and rodents. But pets have many secret side effects that many of us might not be aware of. It may seem obvious that pets make good companions and can keep us from feeling lonely but it goes deeper than that. Being with animals can improve our mood, reduce anxiety, and decrease blood pressure.

Some studies have also shown that having an animal companion can increase sleep quality, and prevent illness. Pet owners usually exercise more frequently as well, maintaining their physical health. Having an animal in your home can be an excellent way to teach children about empathy and responsibility, and how to care for another being.

If you are considering bringing an animal into your home, remember to do your research to find a pet that is best for you. Consider adopting a pet from your local shelter, and ensure you are able to care for it and keep it happy and healthy.

Pictured above are my two cats, Kia and Ryu. They bring me so much happiness and comfort, I cannot imagine life without them.