We understand the difficulties associated with employment. We are here to provide Emotional Support related to Apprenticeship, Career Development, Career Transition, Childcare, International Credentials, Job Search, Labour Law, Newcomers Employment, Older Workers, Pay Equity, Relocation, Retirement

Self-Employment/Entrepreneurship, Students & Youth, Unemployment & Job Loss, Vocational Testing & Evaluation and Workplace Conflict.

Career Empowerment Curriculum

The career empowerment curriculum is designed for survivors of domestic violence. It helps them feel safe and confident throughout the process of finding a job and switching their thinking to finding a career. This curriculum refers both blue-collar and white-collar career types and is relevant to any skill set.

The curriculum covers five key topics:

  • Being Safe During the Job Search and at Work
  • Choosing and Planning for the Career You Want
  • Getting Started in Your Career
  • Preparing for Your Job Search
  • Sharing Information and Communicating throughout the Job Search and at Work

Click here to read the curriculum topics.